
The facts outlined here are based on my experience in India and abroad both. First and foremost let me admit that I am a nationalist and I feel deep pleasure in my realization that I am an Indian. What is more is that I feel extremely grateful for godsend opportunity to me to serve the mankind through a noble profession known to human beings over thousands of  years  and entitled as Medical Profession.

This is the world of competition and this sense of competition is highly prevalent amongst the most of the medical practitioners across the world. It is therefore not surprising that the same is also highly prevalent amongst many of the Indian medical practitioners. However, there is an unique but a very interesting point to note that in India the determinant of a successful medical practitioner is the commercial success. A narrative of this type is unique and specific to India. In western countries the doctors who embrace the quality research works are deemed as most famous and successful, next comes the doctors who work in medical schools under the universities. The doctors involved with private practice in general are deemed as just average. The ascendance of such notions and narratives has seriously impacted the ethos if not all but many of Indian medical practitioners and has leaded them to take alternative pathways. Generating groups and caucuses that allow to market the coins made by themselves, building  give and take basis of contacts, projecting mispresented/ distorted qualifications including minimum genuine, authentic and reliable qualifications and the maximum mispresented or distorted qualifications. Furthermore, the false marketing , false propagandas  through  modern marketing executives who boast ,  vaunt and admit right from the front and that too very assertively and proudly that this is their job and the job is that to convert an ass into a horse. What is more are the cuts and commissions and bla bla & bla. These elements of alternative pathway have completely prevailed upon the classical pathway of the medical practice.  

It is worth to mention here that high qualifications in itself do not necessitate the fact that the one is exemplary in his field. The antithesis of this fact is that there are some who are just adequately qualified but by their consistent, sustained and highly dedicated efforts make them highly creditable and commendable. The value of experience i.e. the place of learning and the working experiences in a field or a specialty, I believe most shall agree, is the single most important factor in as far as ascertaining a career is concerned. Moreover, I do not mind to vent and voice my entrenched feelings that I have unfeigned respect for those minds who strive, struggle and endeavor to discover, invent, conceive and contrive something that is monumentally useful for the mankind and that was never known before. Even sincere, honest and dedicated efforts for the said motives without a breakthrough are praiseworthy.  On the other side of coin there are merchants of knowledge decorated with mispresented/distorted  qualifications, credited with many mock articles, promoted with hype and hoops have although may have bought some success in life but factually  they have failed themselves throughout their life.

After working at abroad for many years I came back to India and settled down at Delhi in the year 2011. I started private practice for the first time in my life at a self owned clinic located in Kalkaji. My mind got stretched with a strange and weird but very interesting and intriguing experience connoted with practices and praxises of one of the very well known of many exercises of medical profession called ‘private practice’ . I observed it was extremely difficult and cumbersome and found myself completely unfit to cope with execution of this venture that was completely unexplored ever by me. You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along. The next thing came along was to start the things the way I strongly believed. I am 65 years old. In the letters, I am old and retired, but in the spirit, I firmly believe that the whole concept of retirement is a bit stupid, so yes, I do want to do something else. This doctor is a stranger, unknown and a new arrival. It is therefore first and foremost he has decided to introduce and acquaint himself to you all honestly and earnestly in letter and spirit. Moreover, he has also resolved to set the principles and preambles for his private practice outright and declare the same from the front.

The fundamentals include :

  • Maximum Cognizance and Awareness to the Concerned Science But 


    Just Investments only.
  • Maximum Performance and Deliverance at Reasonable Charges.
  • Set Principles and Preambles and Follow the same in Letter and Spirit.

    One of the Most Qualified Plus Experienced Dermatologist of India.

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