
  • Evaluation of various topical agents in treatment of Acne Vugaris
  • Patna Journal of Medicine (Pubmed Indexed Journal)
  • April 1981 (Vol. 55, No. 4)
  • Nerve abscess in Leprosy
  • Patna Journal of Medicine
  • March 1982 (Vol. 56, No. 3)
  • Gonorrhoea in male treated with single dose of Rifampicin
  • Patna Journal of Medicine
  • August 1985 (Vol. 59)
  • Observation on the pattern of drug eruption
  • Patna Journal of Medicine
  • 1985
    Note : Articles in the process of publications.
  • Evaluation of Newer Topical  Antifungal Agents.
  • Immunologically Mediated Skin Diseases.
  • Increased incidence of eczematization in scabies and miliria rubra pilaris in patients with present and past history of atopic illnesses.

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